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Would you like an adventure now, Or shall we have our tea first?

Posted by Sharaya Holder on 30th Jun 2018

One of my favourite parts about having a creative family business is that I know exactly where to go (or whom to go to) for a Birthday, Thank You, or Wedding gift for a friend. Last year I asked my good friend, Becky, what words she would like on a plaque of wood for a gift, and she chose the quote “Would you like an adventure now, or shall we have our tea first?” by J.M. Barrie. My mom saw the finished product first, and fell in love with it instantly. When I saw it, I did too. Fast forward a month, and I was hurriedly packing for my year long internship at Barnabas Family Ministries on Keats Island. In the midst of the craziness, my parents offered to engrave a sign for me to add a taste of home to my new room, and that touched me. I chose the exact same sign that Becky did.

Would you like an adventure now or shall we have our tea first

Minutes before I left, my mom and I propped up the sign and shared a pot of tea. It describes the two of us so well; we both like adventuring - shopping together, exploring new places, walking along the beach, etc, but spending focused time together over a hot drink would probably be our first choice for quality time. There is something special about having a meaningful conversation in a cozy environment with a hot cup of tea, because it spurs that beloved heart-to-heart connection that then comes so naturally, for us.

I am thankful that every sign my dad spends time creating is more than just a piece of decor to hang on the wall; it is a treasure that evokes sentimental feelings to be cherished. Like I said above, I love words, and I love how the words he creatively engraved onto the sign he gave me (pictured) captures something I care about: my time with my mom. Yes, I could write the quote down on a sticky note and stick it on my mirror. However, I think that the handmade piece of art, with the tea cup to represent the quote, brings it to life in a magical way. It also adds a dose of gratefulness in my heart whenever I see it, because is a beautiful, personal reminder that my mom and I have each other to drink tea with.